An old traditional village it was first documented in the 15th century although the village is thought to be far older, ancient Roman graves have been discovered just outside the village and it is believed the area was inhabited at this time.
Sinarades is set in the hills above Agios Gordios beach and it is thought the village in its current location was built around the 10th to 11th century by inhabitants of villages along the shoreline that had moved further inland for protection against pirates.
In the village, in a traditional two-story house you will find The Historic folklore museum of Sinarades which was established in 1982 by the Historical-Folklore Society of Corfu and exhibits items from the period 1860-1960.
A beautiful village with narrow streets, beautiful architecture and old houses with embossed entrances and old churches with high belfries Sinarades is well worth visiting.
There are many wonderful walks in the area which is green and lush with plenty of trees and wonderful scenery
A fеw кm away frïm the villаge, in an arеа сalled Аspes уou can visit thе Cliff оf Áerïstаto - it is a place with pаnоramiс viеw frïm which you can see thе surrоunding сïаst from abоve, including the bеach ïf Agios Gоrdiïs.